Sparkle Oita Racing Team

Sparkle Oita Racing Team


自分たちの存在価値とはなにか。特別なものではない、誰のそばにも存在するものが”人生を変える”きっかけになる。自分で見つけて選ぶこと。一緒に変えてくれる人たちがいて、自分が誰かの力になることができることを体験した。だからこそ、いま、私たちは心を動かしながら人生を走っている。わたしたちがそうだったように、すべての人が、自分で選び、体現し、自分の思う生き方、人生が変わるような社会するためにSparkle Oita Racing Teamは走り続けます。"

Do you remember your first challenge as a child? The first time you rode a bicycle. “Wow! It’s fun! I can do it!” I simply felt that way. Riding a bike was fun. I got more time with my family and friends, and I could move on my own. I had more things to do with my time.
What is the value of our existence? It is not something special. It exists everyone’s life and it could be a “life-changing” opportunity. We find it ourselves and choose it ourselves. We have experienced that people could change and help each other. That is why we are now running through life with our hearts racing.
The Sparkle Oita Racing Team will continue to run to create society where everyone can choose their own lives.